Aloha! Can you believe we’re coming to the end of August? I can’t! My first six months as your vicar have sped by, full of wonderful memories—many joys, some sorrows, but lots of hope. I enjoyed a three-day clergy conference in Kapolei this past Monday- Wednesday; the sessions with Dr. Kwok Pul-Lan were spiritually stimulating, and the fellowship with other clergy was wonderful. Mahalo to all of you who participated in our Campus Clean-Up Day on Sunday, as your hard work made our church property more beautiful and useful as we prepare for our new “church year” in September. And special thanks to those who prepared our lunch! Last Sunday in worship, we looked at a slew of Scripture texts: 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-24; Ephesians 5:15-20; John 6:51-58. In light of our Clean-Up Day, we considered how to clean up our spiritual lives and throw out the things that hinder our growth. And that requires both wisdom—for which King Solomon wisely asked God—and spiritual nourishment—which we receive every week at communion, eating the bread and drinking the wine, so that Jesus is within us as we are within him. This Sunday, we’ll ask how the great film director Alfred Hitchcock might help us determine our life’s path. In our lives we often face a crossroads, and our decision of which way to go can shape our lives forever. How do we make the best choice? We’ll explore King Solomon’s major decision in 1 Kings 8:1, 6, 10-11, 22-30, 41-43. And we’llreturn to John’s gospel, 6:56-69, where Jesus continues to emphasize his teaching about his body and blood—and asks that his disciples make their wholehearted decision whether to continue to follow him, or to leave him, as many in the crowds were doing. So what can we gain from these Scriptures when facing our own big life decisions? Let’s find out on Sunday! Last Sunday we also concluded our 11-week “Ministry Minutes” series. We did this in order to honor those who serve in various ways at St. Timothy’s, and to encourage you to pray about ways you might serve here in the days to come. We learned about our Outreach Ministry, the Welcoming Hearts Team, our Sunday School for keiki, the Eucharistic Ministers/ Eucharistic Visitors/ Lectors ministry, the Bishop’s Committee, the Altar Guild, STEAM (St. Timothy’s Episcopal Audio/visual Ministry), the Music Ministry, the Daughters of the King, and Adult Formation opportunities. All these ministries (and others, including our Grounds-keeping Crew and our Acolytes!) need more volunteers and participants, so please think about them prayerfully. I’m so grateful for all who serve, usually in many more ways than one. Starting September 8, during our announcement time, we’ll hear from other members as we begin considering how we might strengthen all the ministries of St. Timothy’s through the wise and generous stewardship of our time, talent, and treasure. More on that coming soon! I look forward to seeing you in church or on Facebook Live on Sunday at 9
a.m.! Dear sisters and brothers, you are in my prayers, and I ask for your prayers for St. Timothy’s Church, for our dedicated staff and our devoted lay leaders, and for your vicar. May God bless you all. Aloha Ke Akua! Fr. Pete+
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