In order to provide a safe experience for everyone during the pandemic, it is necessary to register in advance for worship. Please be sure to read our COVID-91 Safety Protocols prior to registering.
St. Timothy's COVID-19 Safety Protocols
This plan is subject to change as circumstances warrant. What follows are some safety guidelines as we begin public worship services once again.
General Guidelines
General Guidelines
- Wearing a mask is mandatory at the church. The mask should cover both the nose and mouth. A face shield may be worn in addition to a mask. Face shields alone are not sufficient substitutes for face masks.
- Please observe physical distancing at church.
- If you are sick, please stay home.
- If you think you been exposed to the coronavirus within a fourteen (14) day period, please stay home.
- Please wash your hands thoroughly and regularly.
- If you are kupuna (a senior), or if your immunity is compromised, please consider carefully whether or not you should attend in-person gatherings. We will continue to offer worship offerings online for those who cannot attend or who exercise caution by staying at home.
- We will keep a record of all persons attending our events in case the need arises for contact tracing.
- All in-person worship attendees will need to register their attendance when attending our services.
- Please do not congregate into groups before or after the services.
- When sitting in the church, please maintain physical distancing between non-household attendees. Blue tape marks 6-foot intervals on pews
- We encourage everyone to make their offering through the online giving link in the website. For those who bring their donations to the church, there will be a calabash near the font for your offering. Offertory plates will not be passed among the pews.
- During the service, only the bread will be distributed to the congregation. For the time being, the chalice will be withheld. The Church has taught that the Sacrament is fully efficacious in one form. Please sanitize your hands before receiving the Sacrament. Parents should receive the hosts for themselves and their children, and then administer the hosts to their children. Please make your way toward the Celebrant. Once the host has been placed in your hand and you have left the Celebrant, you may remove your mask, consume the host, and replace your mask.
- You may also choose to fast from receiving communion when attending the Eucharist. As you come forward, cross your arms over your chest to signal to the Celebrant that you will not be receiving the host, and that you are communing spiritually. The priest will provide a blessing.
- Though music is played, congregational singing should be soft and kept to no louder than a speaking voice.
- Aloha hour/Coffee hour has been suspended for the time being.
- All hymnals and prayer books have been removed from the pews for the time being.
- All service materials are printed in the Service Bulletin and are used once. As you leave you may take the bulletin with you or deposit it in the "Paper recycling" box. Bulletins are not reused for another service.