Aloha! Last Friday and Saturday, the Diocesan Annual Convention was held at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, and I was honored to join our delegates representing St. Timothy’s: Lauralee Kawamata, Claire Parcon, and Adele Thomas; Bishop’s Warden Nancy Chun also attended. We participated in the Education Day offerings, the meaningful Convention Eucharist, and the business meeting, and we enjoyed wonderful fellowship and some good food. served as a priest in our diocese, was chaplain to the convention. The convention delegates approved a constitutional change to officially bring the Episcopal Church in Guam and Saipan into our Diocese, as the General Convention in Louisville voted earlier this year. Among other actions, we approved the diocesan budget for 2025 and elected clergy and lay persons to various roles, including our own Sue Ann Wargo as a member of the Cathedral Chapter, and Jana Dove as a member of the bishop’s disciplinary board. Here is a video the Diocese produced about this year’s theme—Women in The Episcopal Church: (see if you can spot our St. Timothy’s women!). For more documents and reports, you can visit this page: Last Sunday we continued our “Walk in Love” stewardship speaker series. Petrina Angulo (Biven) shared heartfelt memories about St. Timothy’s, particularly as a youth. We are already receiving pledge cards by mail and in the alms plates. Please return your pledge card by November 3, when we will have an in-gathering and a special fellowship time after worship. On the pledge card you can also indicate ministry areas in which you’d like to participate, and special projects you may be interested in helping to fund. Your faithful participation enables our Bishop’s Committee to plan prudently for our ministry together at St. Timothy’s in 2025. Thank you for your generous spirit! Our next “Faith and Science” Adult Sunday School session will be this Sunday, October 20. Rhode Island Bishop Nicholas Knisely will guide us via video and audio segments into a discussion on Quantum Physics and Eternity. If you would like to participate, grab your coffee and refreshments in Sumida Hall, then head to the Vicar’s Office; we’ll start around 10:30 or so. To prepare for this week’s conversation, please read Mark 10:35-45 (which is also this week’s gospel lesson). And consider these questions: - What do you know about quantum physics? What would you like to learn about it? - Search online or look up definitions of quantum physics and bring one if you can. - How would you describe eternity? - Can you think of Bible passages that describe time and space? How do these descriptions help you understand your own experience of time and space? - Read and reflect on Job 38, God’s answer to the beleaguered Job. What does it tell you about God, creation, and eternity? I look forward to seeing you in class on Sunday! Last Sunday in worship, we dug into Mark 10:17-31, where Jesus teaches his disciples, and us, to receive God’s kingdom—eternal life—as a little child. How does a child go about life? A child is wired to receive the kingdom of God with generosity, enthusiasm, and humility—not as something to own or earn, but as a gift. And so should we. Jesus showed us through his encounter with the wealthy young man that it isn’t easy for anyone to enter in the kingdom. For mortals, it is impossible, but for God, all things are possible! We must receive the kingdom, with nothing hindering us as this grieving young man’s wealth hindered him—he could not let go of what possessed him. Can we do that? Can we let go and receive God’s free gift of eternal life? This Sunday, we’ll explore Mark 10:35-45, in which James and John ask Jesus for the places of highest honor in this kingdom of God. Jesus sets them straight: he says whoever wishes to become great must be a servant. How might this radical teaching affect our life and our ministry at St. Timothy’s? Let’s think about that together. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday at 9 a.m. in church or on Facebook Live! Don’t forget: St. Timothy’s is hosting a valuable workshop on Centering Prayer
here on October 26, 9-11 a.m., with Jean Benfer and our own Evangeline Barney. Please join us for this stimulating exploration of personal prayer—you can simply show up, but it would be helpful if you would sign up at this link: Dear sisters and brothers, you are in my prayers, and I ask for your prayers for St. Timothy’s Church, for our dedicated staff and our devoted lay leaders, and for your vicar. May God bless you all. Aloha Ke Akua! Fr. Pete+
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