Aloha! Let me begin by highlighting some important items you’ll find more information about by scrolling through this newsletter: - This weekend is the Diocesan Annual Convention. I’m grateful to join with our delegates, Lauralee Kawamata, Claire Parcon, and Adele Thomas, along with our Bishop’s Warden, Nancy Chun. Please pray for the ministry of this Diocese and our part in it. You can click on the Convention link for more information: - St. Timothy’s is hosting a wonderful seminar on October 26 at 9 a.m.: Introduction to Centering Prayer, with Jean Benfer and our own Evangeline Barney. Please join us in the chapel for this stimulating exploration of personal prayer—you can simply show up, but it would be helpful if you would sign up: OgOVbhICTrh5nb33tyMDQ/viewform - St. Tim’s is participating in an important Episcopal Church-wide survey of congregational life, particularly in the wake of the pandemic. Please click on this link to take the brief survey: Thank you! - As Election Day approaches, Forward Movement (producers of the Forward Day by Day devotional booklet) has put together a leaflet with prayers for our country. Please take one from the back of the chapel, or contact the office for a copy. Let’s keep our nation and its leaders in our prayers. - We want to honor our active service members and veterans by presenting them with an Episcopal Service Cross on Sunday, November 10. Please contact Paul in the office if you wish to be listed. Thank you! Last Sunday we had a joyful Feast of St. Francis and Blessing of the Animals! We blessed 18 beloved furry family members, either in person or via photos. Thanks to everyone who brought their furry loved ones to church. In the sermon we explored the diversity of God’s creation as expressed in Psalm 104. St. Timothy’s is such a welcoming and generous expression of God’s love and welcome to all, and we certainly saw that on Sunday. Last Sunday we also continued our stewardship speaker series. Joanne Mahuka shared wonderful memories of the dedicated members who helped make St. Timothy’s the welcoming and loving and active church that it is. We are already receiving pledge cards by mail and in the alms basins. If you haven’t received your stewardship packet in the mail yet, you can pick one up in the chapel or call Paul Mahuka in the church office. Please return your card by November 3. On the pledge card you can also indicate ministry areas in which you’d like to take part, and special projects you are interested in helping to fund. Your participation enables our Bishop’s Committee to plan properly for our ministry together at St. Timothy’s in 2025. We are so grateful for you! Our fourth “Faith and Science” Adult Sunday School session will be next Sunday, October 20--Rhode Island Bishop Nicholas Knisely will guide us into a discussion on Quantum Physics and Eternity. More on that next week. By Heinrich Hofmann - Purchased by John D Rockefeller Jr, now residing at Riverside Church, New York, Public Domain, This Sunday in worship, we’ll dig into Mark 10:17-31, where we find Jesus in a strange encounter with man of wealth who sought to follow Jesus, but realized a major obstacle that he couldn’t overcome. Jesus’ disciples wonder, if this righteous man can’t enter the kingdom, who can? What must we do to inherit eternal life? Let’s think about that on Sunday. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday at 9 a.m. in church or on Facebook Live! By Rembrandt - : Home : Info, Public Domain, Dear sisters and brothers, you are in my prayers, and I ask for your prayers for St. Timothy’s Church, for our dedicated staff and our devoted lay leaders, and for your vicar. May God bless you all.
Aloha Ke Akua! Fr. Pete+
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