Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is made up of four teams of parishioners who prepare the altar for Sunday services, baptisms, weddings, and funerals. A team will meet, usually on Saturday morning, to dust, polish brass, and set up the vessels and hangings for Sunday. The team comes in on Sunday about a half hour before service to do the final set up. After the service is finished, the team cleans and puts away the vessels that were used, covers the altar with a dust cloth, and presents altar flowers to the parishioner who donated them.
The commitment to Altar Guild is about 3 hours a month. There are a few additional responsibilities to handle, including additional services during Holy Week leading up to Easter and the special services for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as well as funerals and weddings. Serving on the Altar Guild is like getting ready for a Sunday family dinner! Everyone is welcome.
For more information contact Joanne Mahuka or the church office.
For more information contact Joanne Mahuka or the church office.