The Order of the Daughters of the King
Kaikamahine-Aloha Chapter at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
As part of The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK), nationwide and worldwide, the Kaikamahine-Aloha Chapter at St. Timothy's works diligently with other Daughters in the Diocese of Hawaii to live out the mission of The Order to extend Christ's Kingdom through Prayer, Service, and Evangelism. We are 10 Daughters strong at St. Timothy's and hope to continue to add to our number, constantly inviting prospective Daughters to join virtual Discernment Classes being offered to women in all dioceses of Province VIII by the Diocese of Los Angeles, or to study the DOK National Study Guide in-person and/or virtually with our Chapter.
Our Chapter at St. Timothy's considers support of the parish priest as one of its most important missions. Most recently that support involved setting up a Spiritual Connection Network during the COVID crisis, restarting the Coffee Hour following Sunday Service, and re-establishing a Sunday School program.
The Daughters at St. Timothy's are all active within the church itself, working with the Bishop's Committee, Altar Guild, Lay Eucharistic Ministry, Lectors, Acolytes, Sunday School, Community Outreach, and Sunday Coffee Hour. Within the DOK, Diocese of Hawaii, our Chapter has helped to coordinate Fall and Spring Assemblies, attended Triennials in Austin, TX, and Baltimore, MD, and has participated in various Province VIII workshops and activities. The Chapter has representation on the Finance and Bylaws Committees of DOK HI and two Executive Board Officers.
The Kaikamahine-Aloha Chapter meets twice monthly: on the 2nd Sunday, in-person following the 9 a.m. Service, and on the 4th Thursday, by Zoom, at 6 p.m. Our Sunday meetings are Study Sundays where we read and discuss books and open our meetings to anyone at St. Timothy’s who wishes to join us, or, if we have Daughters in Training, our whole Chapter studies and refreshes with the new Daughter, using the DOK National Study Guide. Our Thursday Zoom meetings are Business Meetings in which we prepare for events like Spring and Fall Assemblies and update our prayer list.
The Daughters at St. Timothy's are happy to share our vision that, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we strive to know Jesus Christ, to make him known to others, and to become reflections of God's love throughout the world.
Yours in Christ and For His Sake,
Adele J. Thomas, DOK Kaikamahine-Aloha Chapter President
Yours in Christ and For His Sake,
Adele J. Thomas, DOK Kaikamahine-Aloha Chapter President