Our stewardship theme is Walk in Love, which calls us to remember that our greatest gift in community at St. Timothy’s is how we come together in worship and mission. When we walk forward with our Lord, we can do so many things!
During this season we talk a lot about budgets and money. Yes, those things are important, because they are the way we can fund the various ministries of St. Timothy’s. This summer we learned about many of these ministries with our weekly “Ministry Minutes” during the announcements on Sunday morning. But our real focus is on how our gifts help achieve the work of God in the world. Jesus calls us to walk in love in order to heal, visit, feed, accompany, protect, advocate, and love our neighbor. And sharing our time, talent, and treasure is the way that we make this happen.
Each of us hears this call differently, just as each of us has been gifted and blessed by God differently. Our talents and time are gifts freely given to us by God so that we may share them with our community and our world in need. And so we ask for your financial support, which makes all this possible.
How will you sense God’s call to walk in love this year at St. Timothy’s? How will you determine ways you will share your gifts with God’s people at St. Tim’s and in our community and beyond?
We invite you to complete a pledge card—an invitation to make your pledge, that is, your estimate of giving to St. Timothy’s Church for the year to come. Please contact the office for more information or a stewardship packet.
Please pray about your support for St. Timothy’s, discuss it with your family, and discern how God is calling you to share your gifts. Consider expressing additional generosity for a special project, above and beyond your regular giving. And also prayerfully consider the time and talent offerings you’d like to offer here in the year ahead.
If you have questions or need more information, please contact our Vicar, Rev. Peter Wallace, or call the Church Office at 808-488-5747.
Thank you for walking in love together at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church!
During this season we talk a lot about budgets and money. Yes, those things are important, because they are the way we can fund the various ministries of St. Timothy’s. This summer we learned about many of these ministries with our weekly “Ministry Minutes” during the announcements on Sunday morning. But our real focus is on how our gifts help achieve the work of God in the world. Jesus calls us to walk in love in order to heal, visit, feed, accompany, protect, advocate, and love our neighbor. And sharing our time, talent, and treasure is the way that we make this happen.
Each of us hears this call differently, just as each of us has been gifted and blessed by God differently. Our talents and time are gifts freely given to us by God so that we may share them with our community and our world in need. And so we ask for your financial support, which makes all this possible.
How will you sense God’s call to walk in love this year at St. Timothy’s? How will you determine ways you will share your gifts with God’s people at St. Tim’s and in our community and beyond?
We invite you to complete a pledge card—an invitation to make your pledge, that is, your estimate of giving to St. Timothy’s Church for the year to come. Please contact the office for more information or a stewardship packet.
Please pray about your support for St. Timothy’s, discuss it with your family, and discern how God is calling you to share your gifts. Consider expressing additional generosity for a special project, above and beyond your regular giving. And also prayerfully consider the time and talent offerings you’d like to offer here in the year ahead.
If you have questions or need more information, please contact our Vicar, Rev. Peter Wallace, or call the Church Office at 808-488-5747.
Thank you for walking in love together at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church!